
List of Recently Funded Startups in Wisconsin (Full 2024)

Here’s a list of all the recently funded startups in Wisconsin (including Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay and Kenosha), updated until November, 2024.

Each week, our dedicated research team painstakingly compiles a wealth of information on hundreds of recently funded startups in Wisconsin, including details about funding round, employee numbers, c-suite contact information, technologies used, top 5 investors and much more.

Use the recently funded Wisconsin startups data for Account Based Marketing and Selling.

We update this data monthly, so bookmark this page to come back each month and get a whole new list of companies to target.

Get all the C-suite details and contacts in your inbox for all these newly funded companies in Wisconsin, covering newly funded startups in Milwaukee, Madison, Green Bay, Kenosha, Spring Green, Grafton, Appleton, Port Washington, Waukesha, Janesville, Watertown and Delafield by starting a free trial.

Recently Funded Startups in Wisconsin (Updated November, 2024)

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